How To Become VIP Cabin Crew (23rd & 24th June)


A 2 day course (23rd & 24th June)designed for anyone who is looking to acquire the necessary skills, resources and knowledge to deliver a professional modern service and most importantly make the transition from commercial into corporate aviation. The course focus is on managing your aircraft, etiquette, exceptional service delivery and cabin preparation. This practical course includes a session with our Sommelier trainer, floristry, modern culinary and food plating sessions.


The How to Become VIP Cabin Crew training course will cover gourmet foods, wines, champagne and the practical application of high-end food presentation techniques. The course is delivered over two days by highly skilled and experienced trainers who are the best in the industry. We provide inside information to finding the best careers in private aviation and finish the two-day course with a recruitment section where we go over CV writing, interview skills, expectations and corporate aviation careers board. 2-day classroom-based training course with a half day pre course e-learning module to be completed before attending

Course Duration: 16 hrs

Location: Manchester.