Aviation With Aaron

Graduate Pilot

Hey! My name is Aaron, I’m 21 years old and a recently qualified commercial pilot, due to finish my ATPL license in Autumn 2023. Hoping to land my first airline job very soon ….. watch this space!

To tell you a little bit about me I grew up with a fascination for aviation. I got hooked watching airplanes at a very young age which led to an ambition to one day fly the machines I was in ore of as a child. For me there was never a plan B and it was the life I had set my heart on. I worked hard to achieve the grades in school I needed as I found I wasn’t naturally academic. And then worked every hour I could in my local fish and chip shop to earn some money before applying to flight school on my 18th birthday. Eventually starting after my 19th birthday and I have never looked back since!

I didn’t believe what people said about how tough flight school was going to be at first. But turns out it was true. It was not easy by any means, however with the right motivation and passion it can be done! Ground school was tough and my record was not perfect but we got all 13 exams done in 12 months. Once the exams were done, I packed a bag and moved to Phoenix, Arizona in the USA for 12 months for my foundation flight training. This was the best year of my life, meeting so many people and coming home with a commercial pilots license ! A dream come true! Then it was time to get my head in the clouds for my instrument rating back in the grey skies of the Uk, then finally a MCC course to finish the whole thing off! In just over 2 and a half years going from no experience to holding a (frozen) airline transport pilots license, Amazing!

I am a big Advocator for young people to get into aviation, wether its being a pilot, cabin crew, aircraft maintenance or any over field within the industry, they are all such rewarding careers. I always attend every career event I can usually on my flight schools stand promoting them and the career I’ve always dreamed of. I’ll be happy to help with any questions anyone has about the role as a pilot, how to get there or anything else that springs to mind. Feel free to message my instagram account (@aviation.with.aaron) and I’ll do my best to help!

Im very excited to be working with Aviation Insider as they also believe in helping people get into aviation. They offer aviation news and insights. But also preparation courses for new and experienced pilots alike. Wether it’s applying for your first airline, or preparing for a command course. They have it all. I’m privileged to be an ambassador for the team at Aviation Insider as I myself have found their content unmatched.

Looking forward to sharing the skies with you 🙂

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