Airshow Hero Extreme Experience Flight


You will then board our Extra aircraft, one of the world’s premier display and competition aerobatic machines and complete 5 of the most demanding airshow figures:

  1. Torque Roll – The NWA signature figure starts with full power 210mph, 7g pull to a vertical climb whilst performing continuous rolls. Our speed will eventually decay and we will fall backwards though the sky whilst still rolling.
  2. Mulleroid – The classic airshow opener and extremely challenging to fly. Another max power, high speed, high g pull to a vertical climb whilst rolling. At the top of the climb the aircraft will resemble a frisbee as we transition to an accelerated flat spin to return to our starting altitude.(aka the Maverick spin).
  3. Ruade – from the French language ‘kick from an ass’. Using gyroscopics to play with physics the aircraft is placed into a 45 degree climb on it’s side (known as knife edge flight) and then tumbled nose over tail.
  4. Outside Loop – the most physically demanding manoeuver, you will be subjected to high negative ‘g’ loads as the aircraft is pushed upside down around a loop in the sky.
  5. Flicker Finish – we’ll leave this one as a surprise…

Completing all 5 figures will earn you a place on the Airshow Hero Wall of Fame and the right to wear a coveted Airshow Hero patch.

If you would like to record your experience for prosperity we can offer you a High Definition edited video of your flight which you will be able to download, share with your friends and keep your memories forever.

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