As cabin crew you undertake two days of exams each year, in order to confirm you have met the standards to operate. The aim of your yearly Recurrent is to refresh your knowledge of safety procedures a lot of which are not used in everyday duties. These exams cover similar topics to your initial training.
- AVMED (medical) – practical and theory. You will be assessed on your ability to perform in each role of the medical action plan. You may need to demonstrate DRS ABCD (primary survey), CPR compressions with a defibrillator attached, and administer rescue breaths. The theory exam is multiple-choice. Additionally, there is a refresher training session of company medical procedures.
- AVSEC (security) – you will undertake a refresher session on company restraint procedures and a sit a multiple choice theory exam.
- Door Drills – practical exam to show your competency of each aircraft door type. You must demonstrate for each door the brace position, standard opening and closing, an emergency opening and an emergency open with power assist failure.
- Aircraft licences exam – multiple choice exams for each aircraft type you are certified to operate on. Includes the safety and emergency features/procedures and knowledge of emergency equipment.
- Dangerous Goods – every two years you complete e-learning and a computer- based training exercise with some questions throughout.
- CRM discussion about a previous event – as a group you will discuss a case study of an aircraft incident, and how the crew reacted/what could have been done better. Case studies are vital for us to learn how we can improve onboard safety. This discussion may also include flight crew colleagues in order for everyone to understand the event from both sides of the flight deck door.
- Other – You will also need to demonstrate other standard safety practices such as the correct use of seatbelt/harness, that you can fit into the dedicated assist space, and a height-reach test using the onboard medical kit.