Airline Pilots made redundant can revalidate their licenses. Aviation Insider is pleased to be able to help you recover the cost of your simulator training through a government grant (subject to conditions)

Over the last year, we have helped a number of pilots secure funding from the government. Former Flybe and Thomas Cook pilots who wanted to ensure they keep their licenses valid were able to access funding to pay for their simulator training with us.

We also recommend AirlinePrep Ltd who can advise how to seek funding to cover the cost of your interview preparation.

Aviation Insider is one of the preferred providers to help pilots who have been made redundant. The scheme is open to pilots who reside in the UK and need a revalidation or license renewal on the following aircraft: a320, a330, B737, 747, 787, E190 and claim back the costs in full.

Other forms of training such as refresher training and airline simulator assessment preparation can be considered a viable claim and some of our previous clients have had success in obtaining the funding. The available aircraft are a320, a330, B737, B747. B757/767, B777/787 and E135/145 and E170/190.

Through its partners, Aviation Insider is also able to help pilots renew their licenses (a320 and 737 at the moment) if it has passed the yearly expiration date and help with CV, Cover letter, interview, and Group Exercise practice.

We have recently launched a free online pilot logbook similar to the paid versions other major companies are offering. It would be useful for pilots who have been made redundant to have their logbooks up to date when applying to new airlines. The logbook will present it in a clear format for any future employers. Click here for More information

This is an unprecedented time for the aviation industry, and we all must stay strong and work through this together. Aviation Insider will do whatever it takes to help pilots remain current. If any pilot wants to make use of the revalidation claim, visit our contact us page here get in touch.

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Airline Pilots made redundant can revalidate their licenses.